Akashic records readings

Find Guidance, Wisdom and Clarity with

Akashic Records Readings

What are the Akashic Records, you ask?!

The Akashic Records are a treasury of your personal knowledge of the past, present, and future that is recorded and held within the 11th dimension. As soon as your soul begins to experience life, a field of energy is created that records your every thought, word, action, desire and emotion. This field of energy is known as the Akashic Records, or your Book of Life. By accessing this personal library of knowledge, you can identify, open or release anything that you have created or blocked through your life’s experiences and make choices with much deeper insight as to what would be in your best interest.

Akashic Record Readings are not psychic readings, but a channeling of Information and Wisdom from your own personal Guides.

An Akashic Record Reading can be extremely Enlightening, Comforting and will assist you in moving forward with more Confidence and Ease.

Cary has been trained to access the Akashic Records for himself and for others.